Heavy Use Area Protection
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Stabilizing Soil
Stabilizing areas that are disturbed because of frequent and intensive use by livestock or farm equipment.
Vegetative cover, concrete pads or other artificial surfaces are installed to protect water quality by stabilizing areas subject to intensive animal or equipment traffic.
- Reduces soil erosion by covering the ground with permanent cover such as tough grasses, gravel, or concrete.
- Can be designed to include storage for stackable manure.
- Improves water quality where livestock/animal manure is concentrated.
- Concrete walkways or pads allow farmers to scrape up manure more easily and manage it for future use.
- Improves livestock healthy by providing firm footing.
- Improves air quality by reducing wind-blown dust.
- Have adjoining land uses and proximity to residences, utilities, wetlands, or other environmentally sensitive areas been considered?
- Will windbreaks be installed?
- Is the heavy use area as far away from waterways as possible? Can a vegetated buffer be planted?
- If the heavy use area is adjacent to existing buildings, is adequate roof runoff control installed to keep additional water off the heavy use area?
Tech Notes
- Contact our office for free guidance.
- Keep heavy use areas as small as practical.
- Provide surface and subsurface drainage for disposal or runoff without causing erosion or water quality concerns.
- For heavy use areas protected by vegetation, choose appropriate plant species.
- Fence all livestock walkways.
- Collect, store and utilize manure and manure-laden runoff.
- Inspect the area annually and after significant storm events.
- Replant vegetative areas as needed.