Livestock Stream Crossing
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Crossing Streams
Provides a hard, stable surface to transport livestock and farm equipment for pasture maintenance without damaging the streambed or banks.
Allows safe animal access to hard-to-reach pastures while helping to control streambank and streambed erosion. The stream crossing may also be used to transport equipment needed to maintain pastures.
- Provides livestock access to all pastures.
- Livestock are encouraged to use the crossing instead of the streambed to navigate streams.
- Allows vegetation to stabilize streambanks and promotes wildlife habitat.
- Reduces the risk of livestock injury due to unstable footing in stream channels.
- Minimizes the risk of livestock breaking through frozen stream surfaces in winter.
- Improves cattle health by keeping animals out of mud.
- How will livestock be excluded from the stream?
- Can a livestock watering system be installed?
- Are soil conservation practices in place?
- What are the conditions upstream?
Tech Notes
- Work with our office to establish this practice.
- Slope the banks of the stream on each side and provide a firm streambed.
- Make banks flat enough for livestock or equipment to move safely down the bank.
- Protect banks with gravel laid over filter fabric.
- Make the streambed firm enough for cows to walk across or equipment to cross without causing ruts.
- All work must comply with federal, state, and local requirements.
- If livestock use the crossing, make sure that fences are in place.
- Inspect after major storm events.
- Remove accumulations of organic material, woody material or excess sediment.
- Replace surface stone used for the livestock crossing as needed.