About the Scholarship
The District is going to be granting $1000 scholarships to TWO Garrett County students for the fall of 2025.
In order to qualify, the student must meet the following requirements.
- High school senior OR high school graduate planning to attend college this fall, OR college student who will still be a student during fall of 2025
- Attending (or attended) high school as a Garrett County resident, in either public school; private school; or homeschool
- Have a high school or college grade point average of 3.0 or better
- Major in agricultural, natural resources, large animal medicine, or related field
Previous winners are eligible.
Completed application and unofficial transcript, along with a one-page essay are due to the Garrett Conservation District Office by May 1, 2025.
Selection of the recipient will be made by the Garrett Soil Conservation District Board of Supervisors.
Transcript Guidelines:
- High school seniors – High school transcript
- Graduated but not in college yet – High school transcript
- In college but less than 24 credits completed – High school transcript and college transcript
- Over 24 college credits – College transcript
To Apply
Steps to Apply:
- Complete application by clicking on the button to the right. The application is online and will go directly to us when you submit it. You will then need to either email or mail the rest of your documents.
- Write a one-page essay telling us your future career plans and why you think we should select you for the scholarship
- Obtain unofficial transcripts
- Mail the essay and transcripts to: Garrett Soil Conservation District at 1916 Maryland Hwy, Suite C, Mt. Lake Park, MD 21550 or email to no later than the stated deadline of May 1, 2025. All documents must be received by the deadline in order for you to be included in the selection process.
- Selection will be made by August 1, 2025.
Note: Application, essay, and transcripts do not need to be sent all together, but they must all be in our office by the deadline. You will be disqualified if we do not have all components by the deadline. It is your responsibility to make sure we have everything. We will not be sending reminders concerning missing portions. You may call our office at 301-501-5886 to check to see if we have everything. Or send an email to
Transcripts to apply for the scholarship can be the unofficial version, however, if you win the scholarship, you will need to supply us with your official transcripts before the scholarship is released.
The 2025 Scholarship is now open. The deadline to apply is May 1, 2025.
Gather Before Completing Application
Before completing your application, compile the following information:
- Your GPA
- The College you plan to attend Fall of 2025
- Your field of study
- Date you sent in your college application (Approximation is okay if you do not know the exact date.)
- List of your Extra-Curricular Activities
- List of any work experience you have had in agriculture, natural resources, and/or large animal medicine
- 3 References. Know their addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses.
Previous Winners
The 2024 GSCD $1000 Scholarship Winner
The 2024 Garrett Soil Conservation District $1000 Scholarship winner is Anna Martin of Accident, MD.
Anna graduated from Garrett College this past spring with an Associate of Applied Science degree in Natural Resources and Wildlife Technology and will be attending Frostburg State University in the fall to continue her studies n Natural Resources. She has a 4.0 GPA. She was a 2016 Southern High School graduate.
Anna has extensive work and volunteer experience in soils, wetlands, vegetation, wildlife, mapping, and forestry.
After graduation, she says that she would like to work in conservation, restorative ecology, wildlife management, and education. She enjoys helping individuals and groups find connections and interests in the natural world.

Anna has a good understanding of the District’s goals. “What landowners can accomplish in conservation will affect the watersheds intersecting their properties, influencing the overall quality of surrounding ecosystems and watershed health,” states Anna. “The assessments and plans the GSCD provides to these landowners are essential elements in this process.”
Anna says that her interest in the outdoors began in childhood. She went on to cultivate that interest as an adult by returning to college to pursue her degree in Natural Resources.
Anna has worked with the Kempton Mine Reclamation and Northern Saw-Whet Owl Banding. Her volunteer experience includes: DNR Wild Turkey study, Ring-Necked Pheasant stocking, Rare Plant survey, Cranesville Swamp plantings, Aravaipa Canyon Preserve, and Blackwater Canyon Trail invasive species removal.
Anna was the co-President of the Garrett College Wildlife club.
Congratulations Anna! And thank you to all the worthy students who applied!!
Our 2023 Scholarship Winner
Congratulations to Cristy Enlow, winner of the 2023 Garrett Soil Conservation District Scholarship for $1000 !!
Cristy is a member of Oak-Hill 4H Club; a member of North Garrett FFA, where she is the current Chapter President; and a member of Garrett County Farm Bureau, where she is the County Ambassador. She is the reigning Garrett County Farm Queen. Additionally, Cristy is a member of the Garrett County Livestock Association.
Cristy will be attending Potomac State College in the fall, where she will be majoring in AgriBusiness.
Thank you so much to all of you who submitted applications for the scholarship! The competition was very strong this year. We have some fantastic individuals from Garrett County that will be working towards careers in Agriculture and Natural Resources.
Right: Jillian Wood, MDA Planner from the Garrett Soil Conservation District presents $1000 Scholarship Award to Cristy Enlow.