Funding to Protect Wetlands

CREP is the Maryland Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program. Garrett Soil Conservation and the Maryland Farm Service Agency work together to provide grant funding for this program.
CREP has two parts. One is payments to landowners as a rental of the land, which the landowner agrees to manage with conservation best practices.
The second part is a cost-share program which helps landowners pay to install conservation best practices on their land.
Types of Funding Available:
- One-time bonus payment of up to $250 per acre
- Annual rental payment
- Practice incentive payment, which provides a one-time payment, pays landowners 40% of the total cost of establishing best practices in addition to the cost-share
Eligible Cost-Share Practices
- Marginal Pastureland Wetland Buffer
- Riparian Forest Buffer
- Herbaceous Buffer
- Wetlands Restoration
- Stream Crossing
- Stream Fencing
- Watering Trough
- Retirement of Highly Erodible Land Adjacent to Waterways
- Marginal Pastureland Wildlife Habitat Buffer
- Shallow Water Area for Wildlife
- Habitat for Declining Species
- Cost-share to help farmers implement approved management activities to support plant diversity and wildlife habitat. Up to 50% cost-share
Landowners and farmers retain their property rights but agree to maintain grass, shrubs, trees or wetlands and installed best management practices for the life of the contract, which is 10 to 15 years.
Eligible land is cropland next to a stream or highly erodible land within 1000 feet of a stream that has been planted to an agricultural commodity, meets cropping history requirements, and is still physically and legally capable of being planted. Marginal pastureland next to a stream may also qualify for certain practices.
For more information, contact the Garrett Soil Conservation District at 301-501-5886 or