Maryland's Cover Crop Program
Farmers can apply for grants to help cover the costs of seed, labor, and equipment to plant cover crops in their fields in the fall. Enrollment dates happen for only two weeks in early July, with the exact dates announced each year close to July. Farmers can only enroll during the enrollment period.
Farmers must plant a minimum of 10 acres of cover crops to be eligible.
Sign up for the 2024/2025 Cover Crop program has ended. However, sign up for the 2025/2026 Cover Crop season will be around the end of June 2025. Check back for more information as the date draws closer.
Why Cover Crops Matter
- Cover crops add organic matter to the soil.
- Cover crops help suppress weeds and reduce compaction
- Cover crops protect fields from too much or too little rain

Program Overview - (Note that amounts given are for 2024 and may change yearly)
- The base rate for incorporated seed has been raised to $60/acre.
- The incentive payment to plant rye and mixed species has increased to $20/acre
- Triticale qualifies for $20/acre incentive
- Incorporated seed qualifies for a $10/acre early planting incentive.
- Terminate your cover crop after May 1, 2024 to qualify for a $10/acre Extended Season incentive payment.
- Plant rye or multi-species cover crops for a $20/acre incentive payment.
- Plant cover crops after corn, soybeans, sorghum, tobacco, vegetables, hemp and millet.
- Drone Seeding is a new option in 2023
- Enhanced payment options are available through the Cover Crop Plus program, which is a multi-year program.
- The maximum payment for the traditional cover crop program (this program) with base and all incentives is $105/acre
Seed Requirements
- All seed purchased must be tested and labeled following Maryland Seed Law and Regulations.
- Purchased seed must be free of prohibited noxious weed seeds, have a minimum germination rate of 80%, and have no more than 16 restricted noxiousweeds per pound.
- Homegrown seed with a germination rate between 65% and 79% may be used. Certain rules apply.
- Cost-share is available for seed testing.
Eligible Species
- Cereal Grains: Wheat/Spelt, Rye, Barley, Triticale, Oats, and Ryegrass
- Brassicas: Forage Radish and Canola/Rape
- Legumes: Clover, Austrian Winter Peas and Hairy Vetch (must be planted with a cereal grain as part of a mix)
- Two-species cover crop mixes may be planted at a rate of 50% cereal grains and 50% brassicas or legumes.
- Three species mixes (50/25/25) must contain a minimum of 50% eligible cereal grains

Planting Termination Dates
- Plant cereal grains by November 5, 2024. Some species have earlier deadlines.
- Mixes containing legumes, forage radish, canola/rape, or oats must be planted by October 1, 2024.
- The aerial seeding deadline for cover crops is October 10, 2024. Some species have earlier deadlines.
- Terminate cover crops between March 1 and June 1, 2025.
- Cover crops planted from November 6 through November 15 qualify for a reduced flat rate. Seed must be incorporated, the rye incentive is available, and termination must occur after May 1, 2024.
Fall Management Options
Eligible cover crops may be grazed or chopped for on-farm livestock forage after becoming well established. Manure may be applied in fall following Maryland’s nutrient management regulations.
Certification Requirement
To receive payment, farmers must certify cover crops with the Garrett Soil Conservation District within one week of planting and no later than November 12, 2024. Late season cover crops planted by November 22, 2024 must be certified by December 2, 2024.
Program Eligibility
- You must be in good standing with the Conservation Grants Program and in compliance with Maryland’s nutrient management requirements.
- You must submit a current Nutrient Management Plan Certification with your application. Forms are available under Cover Crop Forms and Resources at right.
- Additional restrictions may apply.
The Cover Crop Program is funded by the Chesapeake Bay Restoration Fund and the Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Trust Fund.
To sign up for the Cover Crop Program, farmers should come to our office at 1916 Maryland Hwy, Ste C, Mt. Lake Park, MD 21550 between June 15 and July 17, 2023. If you are unsure of what to bring, please call ahead at 301-501-5886. You will need your Nutrient Management Certification.
For the 2021-2022 Cover Crop Program, in Garrett County, there were 22 farms enrolled with a total of 1,388 acres. The total amount paid to our local farmers for the year was $86,406.
For questions, contact Garrett Soil Conservation District at 301-501-5886 or