Who is the Garrett Soil Conservation District?


Our Mission

To implement conservation programs and initiatives within Garrett County to protect and improve our soil, water, and related natural resources through local involvement and decision making.

Our Function

To take technical, financial, and education resources, whatever their source, and focus or coordinate them so that they meet the needs of the local land manager with conservation of soil, water, and related natural resources.

Swallow Falls State Park
Photo by Manxx Sapphire

Our History

The Garrett Soil Conservation District was created in 1943, under provisions of the Maryland Soil Conservation Districts Law, to involve local citizens in conservation planning and erosion and sediment control programs. The District functions independently under a five-member Board of Supervisors. As a political subdivision of state government, the District exercises public powers and receives guidance and assistance from the State Soil Conservation Committee. Although we have the same boundaries as Garrett County, we are not part of county government. Our staff and operating budgets are funded through a combination of federal, state, and local assistance. It is a unique three-way partnership that enables us to carry out our mission.

Our Board of Supervisors

  • James “Smokey” Stanton, Chairman
  • Kristen Enlow, Vice Chairman
  • Butch Helbig, Member, Treasurer, UME Extension Representative
  • Nevin Sines, Member, GC Commissioners’ Representative
  • Dorsey Guard, Member, GC Farm Bureau Representative

Our Staff

Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA)
NRCS - Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA)


  • John Grose, Program Support Specialist, RC&D – 301-501-5886
  • Jeannie Frazee, Administrative Specialist/Web Developer – GSCD – 301-501-5860, jeannie.frazee@maryland.gov
Stock photo Silhouette of staff members

NCRS - Protecting our county's natural resources

Erosion Control

  • Develop soil conservation and water quality plans for Garrett County agricultural landowners
  • Continue to review Garrett County Erosion and Sediment Control plans for compliance with approved standards and specifications
  • Continue to provide technical assistance to individual land-owners and users in addressing erosion and runoff problems
  • Increase awareness of county and state road officials of the importance and need for ditch and road bank stabilization

Water Quality

  • Provide assistance to landowners by designing waste storage systems, roof and barnyard runoff, and heavy use protection areas
  • Develop a District stream protection pilot project to improve water quality
  • Enroll and assist landowners in establishing  fencing and/or riparian buffers, etc.

Nutrient Management

  • Assist landowners in complying with Maryland Nutrient Management Law by providing soils, farm boundaries, field numbers, acres, account ID numbers, and related information

Natural Resource Inventory of Problem Areas and Solutions

  • Establish a list of resource problem areas to target for corrective action such as stream bank erosion, heavy use protection areas, overgrazing pasture, etc.

Conservation Education

Provide informational educational activities such as tours, demonstrations, news articles and school programs as requested.